Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Positive Adoption Language

Language is a powerful way to convey positive adoption messages. Below are some most common terms which can unintentionally denigrate an adoptive family, along with a preferred term. With practice, they will become more natural, and will convey a positive attitude about adoption.

Often heard -Preferred

Unwanted child - Waiting Child

Foreign child - Internationally-adopted, child/child born in ____

Adoptee - Adopted person

“What a lucky child” - “Children are a blessing”

Keep a child - choose to parent

Adopted child* - Child or (son/daughter)

Give up a child - Plan an adoption

Do you have any of your own children? - All children in a family are their parents’ own children. If necessary to distinguish children born into a family, preferred term is birth child.

*Adopted is only a qualifier if adoption is relevant to the discussion

Stolen from "A" is for Adoption

More is available here

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