Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to a work in progress

This is a test of a resource for myself for when we are in Kaz. There was just WAY too much to put on my Mission: Adoption blog! Most of this I'll print out real small and take with us. But I also thought this may be something you would also like to use as a resource.

Kazakh Adoptive Families is a great resource and I dont want to replicate it but I wanted something with what I wanted, and knew where I could find, thus... here it is.

The order of the posting is pretty random in terms of dates, so please use the side bar that organizes the topics. A lot more info to come. Some will be copyrighted materials I can't share which is why I'm making it private.

Let me know if there is something specific I should share or gather for you.



Susan said...

wow, this is cool. You are so smart and organized. I am beyond impressed.

Regina said...

Very cool indeed. Awesome job! These are all topics for which I have gathered and have filed away information -- some electronic and some on paper. I have been thinking lately about what a chore it's going to be to compile it all into 1 document. You have made my life so much easier! Thanks a million for the invite!!!

Chrissy and Russell said...

Holy mackerel! This site is fabulous! Thank you SO much for pulling all this info together!

Karen, Glenn, Allie, Max, and Sam said...

I doubt you have time to check comments on this site right now! LOL. But, just wanted you to know that I am spending a Sunday evening printing out TONS of this information, and I am so thankful for your work and dedication to the rest of us!!